We have recently implemented the Online version of MS dynamics CRM in our organization and was wanting to find if there are any good source of training available both for super users and normal users so they can explore and use the product more. I could not find any courses available in the std IT learning center companies.
Any guidance is appreciated.
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I am a Microsoft Certified Trainer specializing in Dynamics CRM courses. I teach as a contractor to various Microsoft Certified Partners for Learning Solutions (CPLS). Drop me a line at Larry@LentzComputer.net and I'll be glad to give you more informaiton.
Larry Lentz, MCT
Microsoft Dynamics CRM MVP
Hi Rama,
We wrote a short blog on training:
The courses in most std it centers will be for just crm and not specifically for crm online. Which is ok as it is still the same base crm software. The only items that would not be covered would be the crm online specific functionality.
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