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Customer Journeys - Total Overview on Contacts & Accounts

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


can anyone tell me how a total overview of/all customer journeys can be shown on both the account & contact entity?

It would be really useful to have such an overview on each account & contact record. However, I currently don't find how to do this.

Who can help me/has more info upon how to set this up?

Many thanks for your support upfront.

Kind Regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Customer Journeys - Total Overview on Contacts & Accounts

    Hi Charlotte,

    It cannot be achieved unfortunately.

    If you’d like to show a list of all the customer journeys a contact has been involved in, the most appropriate way would be to display the sub-grid in the Contact form or to generate a report.

    However, there is only an N: 1 relationship between Contact entity and Customer Journey entity, which describes the source journey of the contact. In other word, if a Contact is created during a Customer Journey, the journey is the source journey of the contact.


    And information that merely participates in a journey is stored in the marketing insights database as interaction records.


    You can retrieve these records with code, please refer to:

    Retrieve interactions for a contact using code (Dynamics 365 Marketing Developer Guide) | Microsoft Docs


    Or try to retrieve them with Power BI:

    Prepare for analytic reporting with Power BI (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs

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