hi ! i need autocomplete a lookup type field in my form if another field have a especified value.
if field "Nivel 2 " = Beneficios Externos
field "SLA" = 24 hs B2C
else " SLA" = 48 hs B2C
this is my code:
// GET Lookup
function RetrieveSLAToCaseB2C(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var nivel2 = formContext.getAttribute("axnr1_nivel_2").getValue()
// Access the field on the form
var fieldValue = formContext.getAttribute("slaid").getValue();
// Verify it does exist on the form
if (nivel2 != null) {
// To get the Id, Name and Entity Name (account/contact)
if (nivel2 != "Beneficios Externos") {
formContext.getAttribute(fieldValue).setValue("24 hs B2C");
formContext.getAttribute(fieldValue).setValue("48 hs B2C");