I currently am testing the Advanced Warehouse Management System in AX 2012 R3, made my own warehouse, locations, etc. and wanted to ask a question about pallets, in Our company we buy plates and then cut/store them for later usage, the plates arrive on pallets, we label them with the type, dimensions to recognize them faster later on. I managed to setup the physical dimension group to work (only for small plates, because making different ones would require me to make changes to my location system, so for now i use only small). Now I am wondering if there is a possibility to add a pallet on top of the calculations, so maybe just height value(only one that really matters in my case). So lets say i bought 100 plates, each is 1mm high, the program will see my height as 100mm so 10cm, but the actual height is 10cm + the height of a pallet(lets say 15cm), which equals to 25cm, not 10. Is there a way to add these 15cm on top of the 10cm for the program to calculate? Important thing to add is that, now i buy the plates by the quantity and that must stay, because every pallet store different ammount of plates.