Before migration/upgrading from GP2015 to the latest version of Dynamics GP, we had researched the possible upgrade path. We posted our question to the Microsoft Community forum and got a clear answer from Microsoft.
On May 15th, 2020 we’ve upgraded from Server1: GP2015R2 Year End 2019 (14.00.1230) -> Server2: GP2016 (as an intermediate step 16.00.0814) by restoring the GP 2015 system and company databases, and running GP2016 Utilities. Then -> Server3: Dynamics GP Feb 2020 hotfix (18.2.1060) by restoring the GP2016 system and company databases, and running GP18.2.1060 utilities. The upgrade process went smoothly. There was no failed table, nor any upgrade error message.
Two weeks later we discovered that all the batches that were originated from the Purchasing module did not post to the GL module. We found out what caused it. On the screens of Tools>Setup>Posting>Posting for Purchasing Module, the checkbox ‘Post to General Ledger“ was unchecked for all individual ‘Origin” for Purchasing Series. Origin “ALL” was marked correctly to post to GL. After comparing the setups right before and immediately after the upgrade, it seemed that the migration/upgrading process had changed the posting setups. The posting setup changes caused a lot of issues reconciling purchasing, inventory, and AP to GL. In addition, Historical Inventory Trail Balance (HITB) report kept changing for previous month (4/30/2020), whenever there are inventory and receiving batches posted. The HITB for previous month should not change if the on-going receiving and inventory batch posting dates are as of the current dates.
- Why would the migration/upgrade process change the posting setups? Do we need to expect to see other system settings changed?
- Is HITB still function the same way as on GP2015? Are there any settings in Dynamics GP 18.2.1060 that would affect how HITB works?
- How to correct the reconciliation to GL, and HITB issues, caused by the upgrade?
Please help. Thank you!
Olga and Li