I tried creating a view from customer asset to show the customer assets and what customer assets are linked to work order incidents. For testing i set a parameter to only show the customer asser with a specific ID (custom field) -> cus1_parentassetid. There is only one customer asset with this ID. However multible work order incidents assciated to the customer asset. In fetchXML builder for xrmtoolbox i get 2 results (Because the 1 customer asset is related on 2 work order incidents). So everything is fine in fetchxml. However when i upload the fetchxml to my view in CRM it only shows 1 record? And in the botton of the view it will show "1 - 2 of 2 (0 selected)". Why can i only see 1 record in CRM and not 2?
<fetch version="1.0" distinct="false" >
<entity name="msdyn_customerasset" >
<attribute name="createdon" />
<attribute name="msdyn_customerassetcategory" />
<attribute name="cus1_parentassetid" />
<attribute name="cus1_customerid" />
<attribute name="cus1_address1zippostalcode" />
<attribute name="cus1_address1street2location" />
<attribute name="cus1_address1street1location" />
<attribute name="cus1_address1city" />
<attribute name="cus1_locationcuscription" />
<attribute name="cus1_address1name" />
<attribute name="cus1_subcategory" />
<attribute name="cus1_address1countryregion" />
<attribute name="cus1_serialnumberparent" />
<attribute name="cus1_cusmiproductmodel" />
<attribute name="cus1_cusmimanufacturer" />
<attribute name="msdyn_customerassetid" />
<order attribute="cus1_serialnumberparent" cuscending="false" />
<filter type="and" >
<condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />
<condition attribute="msdyn_parentasset" operator="null" />
<condition attribute="cus1_parentassetid" operator="eq" value="114317" />
<link-entity name="msdyn_workorderincident" from="msdyn_customerasset" to="msdyn_customerassetid" link-type="outer" />