Hi ,
I am facing an issue, when ever I tried to delete the event Registration records it do not allow me to delete the record, even I run the bulk delteion system job but still getting the error
"We couldn't delete the selected registration(s)."
Hey Fariha,
It seems that there’s an issue with the number of registrations getting close to 50k. Could you please email me the details and my team will get you unblocked.
If you’ve opened a support ticket already, it would be good to provide the ID/ticket number as well.
My email is shravan.suri@microsoft.com
PM, D365 Marketing
Thanks for the response Clofly I have tried to update the event field n the event registration record from recon event to my test event but after updating when I save the event Registration record I get a Business Process Error : "We can't process your submission because it includes new values for one or more read-only fields."
As you said on adding and removing the record the subgrid update with new record it's seems that query is executed by fetchXml , but If it's the case why I don't encounter this issue on adding new registration record with recon event, I just face this issue on deletein :/
Hi Fariha,
In each time we add/remove event registration record, the subgrid will refresh for updated result.
It seems that query is executed by fetchxml, and aggregate query is limitted to less than 50,000 records,
your situation (49,998 records) would be related to it.
Try to test with these operations:
* disactive some event registration records under RECon
* delete record in event registration entity list directly
* install a Chrome extension "Level up for Dynamics 365/Power Apps"
click God Mode button when you're view an event registration record,
it can unblock locked Event field and let you remove its parent record manually.(do dissociation manually)
In a word, try to reduce associated event registration records of RECon.
this is my event setting event registration count is 49,998
There is an issue in my Event as far as I have noticed other than one even im able to delete any event registration . But whenever I associate my Event Reistration the one particular event and tried to delete that event Registration I got the Aggregrate record limit exceed error
Hi Clofly,
In the borwser im getting AggregateQueryRecordLimit Exceded message , but I have select the one record and tried to delete that.
Hi Fariha,
Please open browser console and switch to Network tab, clear network activities to make us could see the submission activity that we want clearly.
(But activities will generate constantly, just keep some records would be acceptable.)
then select record which you can't delete, then you will see a failed submission activity, db-click it to see error detail.
We can see detailed error message in Preview tab.
In my environment, due to the selected event registration record has been associate with a check-in record, so it can't be deleted.
After I delete associated check-in record for issued event registration record, then the record can be deleted successfully.
So you could check whether there is any other record which has been associated with your event registration records.
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