Hi. Ludwig,
With respect to this issue we resolved it through the following steps:
Step 1: Create a new PO with correct unit price on all the items, complete the GRN and invoice, by updating the date information as per PO_00000018.
Step 2: Create a new PO with negative quantity for wrong purchase price, complete the GRN and invoice, by updating the date information as per PO_00000018.
Step 3: Go to PO#PO_00000018> select one item line> Inventory option> Marking> Mark the negative PO against the item> Apply > Click ok
Step 4: Follow step 3 for all the individual line items manually.
Step 5: Now go to inventory closing and adjustment form> Click on recalculation> complete the recalculation for a specific item group or all the items available in the PO.
Step 6: Check if the item cost has been updated in all the following transaction after the correct purchase order.
Step 7: You can cross verify the cost correction through financial reports, with the help of your finance team.
We verified with the finance team and they confirmed the impact on CoGS and trial balance.