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Asking cookie consent on Marketing Pages

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in my case my customers will receive a marketing email with a link to a marketing page where they can select preferred communication channels and interested products.

This marketing page is using cookies by default and I want to ask the customer for consent in form of a cookie banner.

The crm tracking script is included inside the related Marketing website entity and it is read-only. -> It will be added automatically to the HTML of the Marketing page.


How can I control the tracking / setting of cookies and prevent if the customer does not provide the cookie consent?

Best reagrds

Mustafa Kamali

  • NadirBanks Profile Picture
    NadirBanks 5 on at
    RE: Asking cookie consent on Marketing Pages

    there are many solution available in the marketing, but one of best cookie consent is by "Seers" you can avail it by using link below:

  • Suggested answer
    Shubham Dubey Profile Picture
    Shubham Dubey 20 on at
    RE: Asking cookie consent on Marketing Pages

    Hi Mustafa,

    You need a "Cookie Consent Manager ". There are many solutions available in the market which you can deploy on your marketing landing pages.

    Link below for your reference:

    Best Regards


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Asking cookie consent on Marketing Pages

    Hi Mustafa,

    In short, due to these scripts are server-side and hosted on external server(,

    so cookie-banner could only works as a notification without ability to disable cookie feature.

    The solutions would be:

    1. You add an extra link on the banner which show user detailed description about how your website uses cookie.

    2. Add link which teaches users how to block all cookies in different browser: Chrome, Firefox etc.

    By do it, contacts/leads can submit their information successfully and no cookies will be set, but the process requires form visitors to make configuration manually.

    While some other websites login cache might be affected once cookie is disabled.(Cookie is required for D365 login) 

    You could open a ticket for asking how server-side program handle user cookie in compatible with GDPR.(Also in article in my first response)



  • MustafaKamali Profile Picture
    MustafaKamali 15 on at
    RE: Asking cookie consent on Marketing Pages

    Hi Clofly,

    thank you for your answer. In EU (european union), we need to ask for a cookie consent. The cookie can onyl be set, if the customer on the Portals Page accept the consent inside the cookie-banner. If he does not accept the cookie-banner the server should not set the Cookie.

    Any chance to block this Cookie?

  • Suggested answer
    MustafaKamali Profile Picture
    MustafaKamali 15 on at
    RE: Asking cookie consent on Marketing Pages

    Hi Clofly,

    thank you for your answer. In EU (european union), we need to ask for a cookie consent. The cookie can onyl be set, if the customer on the Portals Page accept the consent inside the cookie-banner. If he does not accept the cookie-banner the server should not set the Cookie.

    Any chance to block this Cookie?

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Asking cookie consent on Marketing Pages

    Hi Mustafa,

    Please let me know whether your problem could be solved.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Asking cookie consent on Marketing Pages

    Hi Mustafa,

    -> If you're using marketing page, 

    then you can insert a privacy banner for landing pages in advanced settings:

    If you're hosting marketing form on your own web page, 

    then you should develop your own cookie consent banner.

    You could insert a banner with 3rd party solution or HTML code by yourself.

    -> However, those might not be sufficient in all jurisdictions because it won't stop the server from setting the cookie—it just informs visitors that cookies are being used.

    Contacts could be only tracked with javascript when cookie is enabled. (Find this Important note in this article)


    -> Please read article below for how Dynamics 365 for Marketing uses cookie.



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