Hi Ludiwig
When using the amount equal to 0.01 or equal to -0.01 there about 100 records.
after adding criteria with cost center which I'm looking at, there were only 6 left, and 2 of them should related with this issue.
Posting type Account name Amount
Inventory profit LOSS - OTHERS - OTHERS -0.01
And one more thing I would like to provide is that my company using the pre-receive method,
which means when we purchase some goods, after the PO shipped from supplier, before we got the goods, we will doing the receipt first, so that we consider this good have become the company stock. But as the physical goods not arrived yet, the AX will automatically move this goods to a temporary stock. Only after we receive the physical good, we will move it back from temporary stock to real stock.
Do you think this will impact the InventoryClose operation?
As the issue item was purchased with a 800 quantity in one order, and until now, it was still remain some in stock.
But we didn't change this order's purchase price? so what's the logic cause the amount change.
BTW after looking at the transaction of the temporary stock transfer, the settled quantity changed, but when using the settled amount divided by settled quantity, it was 86.27803005( manually), while compare with the data before the InventoryClose, it was 86.2781709401(manually). I don't know why this unit settled amount is different.