OSP - D365 - Awareness/Stay Informed
Per our announcement, Guides Dataverse solution version 700.2.0.1 will be released on April 5, 2022.
Guides Dataverse solution version 700.2.0.1 is a foundational change for key features in upcoming Dynamics 365 Guides releases and includes the new Guide Author Session table. When solution version 700.2.0.1 is released, updated versions of the Guides PC and HoloLens apps will be available as well.
What action do I need to take?
If you have created any custom security roles, make sure to update those custom roles to match the permissions for relevant Dynamics 365 Guides Security roles (Author, Restricted Author) in solution version 700.2.0.1 for the Guide Author Session table so that any custom roles have access to the new Guide Author Session table. Users with custom roles derived from the Author or Restricted Author role will be unable to log into the Guides HoloLens and PC apps until the custom roles are updated.
Please ensure that all Guides applications are closed when installing this update. Authoring a guide while the solution upgrade is in progress may lead to corrupt guides.
Any updates to the PC and HoloLens apps released after January 26, 2022, will require the Dataverse Guides solution version 700.0.0.1 or later. For information on how to upgrade the solution, please visit this site.
To check the solution compatibility between the Solution Guides and apps, please look here.
If you choose not to update your PC and HoloLens apps and the Dynamics 365 Guides solution, there will be no impact and you will be able to continue using Dynamics 365 Guides with the existing feature set.
Work with your IT admin to schedule installation updates or see instructions for updating the solution.