I have a RunBaseBatch class , I try to apply extra filters on its query by adding data source to one of its original data sources and then add range to it below is my code , the extra dded filter done not have any effect to the list of records retrieved by the query , how can I apply extra filters by code to AOT query provided that extra filter is applied on dataource not part of AOT query ?
QueryBuildDataSource qbdshcmWorker = queryRun.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(HcmWorker));
QueryBuildDataSource qbdsMyTable = qbdshcmWorker.addDataSource(tableNum(MyTable));
qbdsMyTable .joinMode(joinMode::InnerJoin);
qbdsMyTable .relations(true);
QueryBuildRange MyTableRange = qbdsMyTable.addRange( fieldNum(MyTable, Mycategory));
MyTableRange .value(MycategoryValue);
I try to print the query using info(queryRun.query().dataSourceNo(1).toString()); I cannot find extra added data source MyTable and its added range