I tried to test my request that was made with executeMultiple.
They were normal requests, no change sets.
In my plugin I made a simple random number generator and told it to throw an InvalidPluginExecutionException if a number is smaller than 3.
In the official docs I believe it says that if one of the requests in a batch of request fails, in the response object it will show as "ok: false", and I should get back all the responses for the other requests as well.
I only got back the single error message, and no other info.
In the networks tab, in the reponse I can see that some passed, and one fails, and after that nothing is executed, and it returns with "Bad Request 400" status.
I'd really need the data which ones pass and which ones don't (in my code, not for my eyes to see in the tab).
What should I do?
Normal reponse object:
Custom error I get:
Network tab: