Hi all,
private str TranslateText(str inputStr, str _sourceLang = "en", str _targetLang = "ar") { System.String result; int len, OutputLen; str resultActual, url = "https://translate.googleapis.com/translate_a/single?client=gtx&sl=" _sourceLang "&tl=" _targetLang "&dt=t&q=" inputStr; System.Net.WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient(); webClient.set_Encoding(System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8()); result = webClient.DownloadString(url); len = result.get_Length(); resultActual = result; OutputLen = strScan(resultActual, inputStr, 0, len); resultActual = subStr(resultActual, 0, (OutputLen - 2)); resultActual = strRem(resultActual, "["); resultActual = strRem(resultActual, '"'); resultActual = strRem(resultActual, ","); if(strLen(resultActual) == 0) { this.Description = this.orig().Description; return this.orig().NameAr; } return resultActual; }
As i mentioned the code its works great.
Now, i want to add this method as global method and i will use language id field that field based language i want to translate.
As i mentioned code i used in the modified field its English to Arabic come.
If i want to language id based translate what should i do ?
Name | Language | translate text
if i give it to in name and select language anything then i want to translate based on a language id.
Please give me a example.