I have a table EmpTable like so:
If I want to update the salary of John I can do it like so:
static void UpdateSal(Args _args) { EmpTable EmpTable; real sal=110000; int RowId = 1; ttsBegin; select forUpdate EmpTable where EmpTable.Id==RowId; EmpTable.Salary=sal; EmpTable.update(); ttsCommit; }
I want help in implementing the above code with using only variables:
static void UpdateSal_WithStrValues(Args _args) { str table = 'EmpTable' str field = 'Salary' int RowId = 1; real sal=110000; .....?? .....?? }
*This post is locked for comments
Awesome. This is much better. I'll go with this.
A little typo above:
Common common = dictTable.makeRecord();
should be
Common common = dt.makeRecord();
Thank you Martin for your valuable inputs.
Here is how you can use newTable() and utilize the SysDictTable object to get field IDs in an easier way:
TableName table = 'EmpTable'; FieldName fieldToUpdate= 'Salary'; FieldName fieldToSelect= 'Id'; int rowId = 1; real sal = 6546456; SysDictTable dt = SysDictTable::newName(table); Common common = dictTable.makeRecord(); ttsbegin; while select forUpdate common where common.(dt.fieldName2Id(fieldToSelect)) == rowId; { common.(dt.fieldName2Id(fieldToUpdate)) = sal; if (!common.validateWrite()) { throw error("Nope"); } common.update(); } ttscommit;
Thanks Martin. You were right. New to X++ so don't have much clue about various errors.
Got a tip from here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53513457/update-table-using-only-variables
This code works now: (Made the string bounded to 50 length)
static void Job1(Args _args) { str 50 table = 'EmpTable'; str 50 fieldToUpdate= 'Salary'; str 50 fieldToSelect= 'Id'; int RowId = 1; real sal=12213; SysDictTable dictTable = new SysDictTable(tablename2id(table)); Common common = dictTable.makeRecord(); ttsbegin; while select forupdate common where common.(fieldName2id(tableName2Id(table),fieldToSelect)) == RowId { common.(fieldName2id(tableName2Id(table),fieldToUpdate)) = sal; common.update(); } ttscommit; }
The error does say that you can't use variables in tableName2Id() - it says "[...] unbounded string fields are not allowed in a WHERE expression".
The code I gave you is a replacement for new SysDictTable(tablename2id(table)). Both create a SysDictTable table object based on a table name. You're using it at a place where you need a string, not a SysDictTable object.
Thanks Martin.
You are right actually. It is only throwing error in the Where clause, Attaching screenshots
1. No Error if I don't use variable in Where clause
2. Error if I use variable in where clause:
3. Don't know how to implement the static function that you provided, this is what I tried:
Can the where clause be fixed somehow?
I don't think you're right; the parameter of tablename2id() can be a variable.
Anyway, you can simply use the right factory method: SysDictTable::newName(table).
Oh wait. TableName2Id requires a compile time string. Won't work with a string variable. Any hacks for this? The below code doesn't works. But the above does.
static void Job1(Args _args) { str table = 'EmpTable'; str fieldToUpdate= 'Salary'; str fieldToSelect= 'Id'; int RowId = 1; real sal=34536; SysDictTable dictTable = new SysDictTable(tablename2id(table)); Common common = dictTable.makeRecord(); ttsbegin; while select forupdate common where common.(fieldName2id(tableName2Id(table),fieldToSelect)) == RowId { common.(fieldName2id(tableName2Id(table),fieldToUpdate)) = sal; common.update(); } ttscommit; }
Thank you Nikolaos. I was able to implement it with your valuable tips.
Here's how I did it:
static void Job1(Args _args) { SysDictTable dictTable = new SysDictTable(tablename2id('EmpTable')); Common common = dictTable.makeRecord(); ttsbegin; while select forupdate common where common.(fieldName2id(tableName2Id("EmpTable"),'Id')) == 1 { common.(fieldName2id(tableName2Id("EmpTable"),'Salary')) = 110100; common.update(); } ttscommit; }
You can use DictTable class to instantiate the Common buffer with your table id:
DictTable dictTable = new DictTable(tableId); Common myTable = dictTable.makeRecord();
And you can use tablename2id function to get a table id if you know the table name.
I wanted to implement a common function where either:
1. I can supply 4 arguments, tablename, row to select, field to update, value to be updated.
(This case might not be possible as hinted by you since I need a table buffer object first, can't it be created dynamically?)
2. I can supply a 3 arguments, single selected buffer table record, field to update, value to update.
I'm Trying something here but not getting it:
static void UpdateSal_WithStrValues(Args _args) { Common common; EmpTable Emptable; str table = 'EmpTable'; str fieldToUpdate= 'Salary'; str fieldToSelect= 'Id'; int RowId = 1; real sal=110000; select EmpTable where EmpTable.Id==RowId; Common = EmpTable; ttsbegin; select forupdate common where common.(FieldNum(table, fieldToSelect)) == RowId; common.(FieldNum(table, fieldToUpdate)) = sal; common.update(); ttscommit; }
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