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Modifying Word Templates

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We are on GP 2018 and the decision has finally been made to start using word templates.
I've been researching and testing this process in our test database and am completely flummoxed.

All the documentation I see shows the xml and the word template output with lines (both horizontal and vertical)...yet ours modified reports (both xml and templates) are completely void of any graphics.

Attached is an example of the modified report in xml and again in word.


Am I supposed to add all the color and lines myself?

If I look at the standard template (without any changes whatsoever) I get this:


Thank you,

Pam Palmer

Temple, Inc

  • Suggested answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,054 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Modifying Word Templates

    Hi Pam,

    You don't have to start by exporting all the reports into XML formats.. You can simply start by using the default Word Template for the regular GP report and adapt it to the modified GP report by using the XML file as source data for the Word Template.. After that change, the additional fields you might have added to the GP Custom report in RW will show up in the Word Template to be placed in the format.

    You rarely start from scratch with the Word Templates, as Microsoft already provided out-of-the-box templates for most GP reports that are commonly used in SOP, POP, AP & AR (Even some financial reports if not mistaken).

    Creating a new Word Template from scratch is quite a chore and I wouldn't do it, unless there is no pre-existing base template in GP.

    PS: here are a few links that might help get you started:

    Here is a blog post on how to start from scratch:

  • baxter05 Profile Picture
    baxter05 on at
    RE: Modifying Word Templates

    I followed instructions concerning printing all your modified reports to the screen and then saving them as an .xml file.

    Then I went to Template Maintenance, selected the modified report then hit "modify" to bring up word.  I hadn't made any changes in the template so I left as is simply because there is no graphics/lines etc and that is what I showed.

    I understand if I make changes to a Word template then I need to remove the original source and add the new source.

    If I go with the original default, then I would have to go back into Report Writer and add all the fields that we want to show and basically make a new modified report.

    So how do I create a template off a modified report where we have pulled in additional fields?

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Modifying Word Templates

    Hello Pam,

    How did you create this template? By default there are no modified templates within GP.

    If you use the Template Generator it will create a template that looks like yours. I usually recommend starting with the default template as it starts with the colors. You can copy it by using the New button and selecting the "From Existing Report" option.

    Outside of this, everything is custom, so any lines or colors you would like to have would need to be added.


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