I trying to create report for Power Bi with using AA Trx Dimension Codes (we call them projects) from 2020 AA with historical 2019 AA GL TRX. I do believe
..AAG40000 has historical AA data that I join to the other tables below.
-- THis is how my joins look JOIN Company..AAG30003 e ON (e.aaGLHdrID = d.aaGLHdrID and e.aaGLDistID = d.aaGLDistID and e.aaGLAssignID = d.aaGLAssignID) JOIN Company..AAG00400 f ON f.aaTrxDimID = e.aaTrxDimID JOIN Company..AAG00401 g ON g.aaTrxDimCodeID = e.aaTrxCodeID