Hi everyone,
I've set up three business units in Dynamics CRM:
- Org4343443 (Parent)
- Engineers (Child of Org4343443)
- Communication (Child of Org4343443)
I’ve created respective teams for each business unit and assigned the following custom roles to each team:
CS Eng (Engineers):
- Customer Voice - Add on
- Event Planner
- Lead Score Viewer
- Marketing Professional
- Marketing Professional - Business
- Marketing Services User
- Marketing, Business App Access
- Project Owner
- Sales Enterprise app access
- Sales Manager
CS Org (Org4343443):
- Same roles as above
CS Comm (Communication):
- Same roles as above
I’ve set up the roles for both contacts and accounts to "Parent: Child Business unit." My goal is to have users be able to view accounts and contacts in their own business unit and in the parent unit if applicable.
However, I encountered an issue where the Communication team couldn’t see the contacts from the parent business unit (Org4343443).
Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have insights into what might be wrong with the role permissions or hierarchy setup?
Thanks in advance for your help!