Hi Guys,
For the below Voucher's SubLedgerJournalEntries , the Vendor balance Reporting Currency Amount was additionally created as 0.01 as there is a difference between the Acc Currency & Rep Currency.
Currency Exchange Rate - PEN to ZAR - 4.015333725787
(3979.81 - 477.58 ) = 3502.23 * 4.015333725787 = 14062.62223446301
15980.27 - 1917.64 = 14062.63
So , here my problem is that for the 0.01 vendor balance record there are records inserted in SubLedgerJournalAccountEntryDistribution which causes the voucher to imbalance in respect of the SubLedgerJournalAccountEntryDistribution table.
How can i avoid this?
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