Pre-requisites: Enabled the GST conversion feature.
Note: AUD is the accounting and reporting currency; GBP is the transaction currency.
- Posted a Free text invoice on 8/07/2021 for 550 GBP (out of which 50 GST)
The rate used for this calculation was 0.4 GBP for 1 AUD - Performed the Foreign currency revaluation on the 31/07/2021.
The following transactions were generated for the GST Payable account using the rate as of 31/07/2021 - Settled GST
- Ran the trial balance after settlement. Only the balance in transaction currency was transferred to the GST settlement account
Based on, if the tax settlement is not balanced in the reporting currency for certain reason such as the sales tax conversion path is "Accounting currency", or the exchange rate change in a single tax settlement period, then the system will automatically generate accounting entries to adjust the tax amount variance and offset it against realized exchange gain/loss account, which is configured in Ledger setup.
I was hoping that this feature would handle the accounting/reporting currency balance due to foreign currency revaluation as part of the settlement process.
Does anyone currently use the GST conversion feature and can advise how it works?