RE: Payment status in payment journal in post dated check
Step 6:
To record and create check, first create your SO and invoice it and then do the below:
- Click Accounts receivable> Journals > Payments > Payment journal.
- Create a new payment journal.
- Click Enter Customer Payment.

4.Click Lines, and then in the Datefield, select the posting date.

5. Click the Postdated checkstab, and then in the Maturity date field, enter the date when the postdated check is due for payment, in MM/DD/YYYY format.
6.In the Received datefield, enter the date when the postdated check was received, in MM/DD/YYYY format.
7.In the Check numberfield, enter or modify the postdated check number.
8.In the Cashierand Salesperson fields, select the identification codes of the cashier and the salesperson responsible for the postdated check transaction.
9.In the Issuing bank branchand Issuing bank name fields, enter the bank details of the postdated check.

10. Set Payment state to Receive

11. Click Post> Post to post the amount in the postdated check. You can post a postdated check if you select the Post journal entries for postdated checks check box in the Cash and bank management parameters
12. Close the forms to save your changes.