Hello ,
One of our GP users is facing issue of GP toolbar reset in spite of locking it every day, it's just simply resetting back to the way it was everyday morning and user is changing the way they want and locking it and next day same issue all over again. This is only happening for selected users and i am really clueless what's going on, here are the steps i performed so far and please let me know if anyone have comments or suggestions to how to resolve this issue. FYI, i already checked Mariano's blog post and couple of other old posts but none providing solution.
--> Took a copy of tables SY07121 and SY07125 when user reset tool bar and after signed out and they match exactly same.
--> Checked Dex files for users whose tool bar is not resetting vs resetting but no luck there as well, they are matching as well.
GP Version : 18.2.1013