what is the DrillDownPageID property of tables ? how it actually works ?
what is the DrillDownPageID property of tables ? how it actually works ?
Explained here, short & Simple:
This is one of the best features, where by, you will be in a position to even go down to the source entry.
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there you set a page of type list, which shows all the records of the current table.
it's used in other tables with a linked field to the above table. in a page based on that table you get a dropdown for the field, clicking on the dropdown button goes to the drilldown page. sample: item with drilldownpageid=item list and it's used in table sales line with field No.
DrillDownPageID sets the ID of the page to use as a drill-down.
Drill-downs are a system-wide feature of FlowFields that let you see the underlying transactions that make up the information shown in the FlowField.
DrillDownPageID is the page number that you want to set when you drill down. When you have a flowfield set based on the table and when you click that field it will open the page you setup in this property.
Ex: On Customer card if you click on balance it will open customer ledger entries page because this is the page was set on Customer Ledger Entry Table DrillDownpageID.
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