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Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?

Posted on by 450

I am trying to set up the Purchase Requisition workflow to look at a specific hierarchy.

The only type it allows is "Managerial Hierarchy" - however I cannot identify where this hierarchy is defined. I have looked in all the modules and no joy.

Anyone have any ideas?

How do you create a workflow to follow a defined hierarchy?

  • Suggested answer
    Santosh Durgam Profile Picture
    Santosh Durgam 446 on at
    RE: Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?

    A relevant post on Managerial hierarchy -  May be useful for somone:

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?


    George do you have more information as to how you modified / which elements, as we also have - I think - to make modifications. We are using the positions and it works OK, but we have special situation where if purchasing for a project we want higher Approval limit than the one setup for normal purchase.

    But i'm having problems finding any materials concerning modifying eg. the call to workflowlimithierarchyprovider, that are used by  the "managerial hierarchy".

    Hope you may have further information


    BR/ Jan

  • Pontus S. Profile Picture
    Pontus S. 60 on at
    Re: Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?

    Ok, I understand what you are saying so that  is good. Is it just the requisition approval workflow or every workflow that uses the Line hierarchy? I sense that we have a problem if thats the case because we need to have several position hierarchies for every position that controls the workflow steps. Our goal is to have as few modifications as possible so we probably have to think this through both once and twice.

    Your input is quite useful anyway because now we know how the system works (probably need to test this before I can say if it works this way or not :)).

    Thanks for your reply! :)

    // Pontus

  • GeorgeC Profile Picture
    GeorgeC 1,865 on at
    Re: Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?

    "....but what happens when a position is included in two or more hierarchies? Which position hierarchy is being used?"

    I discussed this topic with a developer a few months ago, I hope that my memory serves me right. AX allows you to use only one hierarchy in the requisition approval workflow. That's the "Line" hierarchy that you can view in .../Human resources/Common/Organization/Positions/Position hierarchy.

    It's also the hierarchy that you set up using the "Reports to position" field on the Position form.

    This did not meet our requirements so we created a modification. The first step was to create a new human resource hierarchy purpose of  "requisition approval". Then we modified the requisition approval workflow allowing us to select either the "managerial hierarchy" or the "requisition approval hierarchy".


  • Andrew Baehr Profile Picture
    Andrew Baehr 15 on at
    Re: Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?

    what if I have two hierarchies?  which one gets used?

    what is the purpose of the conditional formatting?  why is that required?  

    if: "stop if 'job title' = 'top " and the hierarchy is 'low' reports to 'middle' reports to 'top' , and 'low' submits a timesheet, 'top' has to approve?

  • Pontus S. Profile Picture
    Pontus S. 60 on at
    Re: Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?


    Yes, it´s driven by positions....but what happens when a position is included in two or more hierarchies? Which position hierarchy is beeing used.

    Let say that Position A has one hierarchy where he/she reports to Position B. He/she also has one hierarchy (for some other purpose, whatever that can be) where he/she reports to position C. I can´t find any parameter or setup fo which hierarchy we want to use.

    Anyone who has any ideas?

    // Pontus

  • Re: Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?

    Hey George,

    Thank you so very much for your reply.

    I had an feeling that would be the case - but just wanted to check if anyone had more information.

    Appreciate your reply.


  • Suggested answer
    GeorgeC Profile Picture
    GeorgeC 1,865 on at
    Re: Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?


    I believe that the managerial hierarchy is driven by Positions. You can assign empoyees to positions and on each position there's a field "Reports to position". Have you tried to test it that way?

    You can view the hierarchy from:

    .../Human resources/Common/Organization/Positions/Position hierarchy


  • Re: Workflow headaches - what is the Managerial Hierarchy ?

    Hi there,

    Just wanted to find out if you have been able to resolve the issue with Managerial Hiearchy you posted above?



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