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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...
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Workflow approval error "GetAssignedUsers failed because parameter 5 is not allowed to be null

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My client keeps getting this error on a payables invoice workflow approval

SQL Server 'GetAssignedUsers' failed because parameter 5 is not allowed to be null

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'WorkflowinstanceID'

I see that this question has been asked on another forum post, but never answered.



  • Suggested answer
    RE: Workflow approval error "GetAssignedUsers failed because parameter 5 is not allowed to be null

    Hello Linda,

    Usually this error happens because the workflow was damaged. This happens when you import transactions, or if something (SQL/GP) crashes when you are submitting/approving.

    The quickest solution is to just recreate the transaction/batch.

    If you can't do this, then you can restart the workflow process using these steps, make sure there is a backup!

    Each transaction is assigned a unique WorkflowStepInstanceID which you can get from the WFI10002 and it is what links the workflow tables together. To find the unique {GUID} for this transaction/batch you can run:

    SELECT * FROM WFI10002

    Look at the WfBusObjKey for the transaction/batch that is seeing the issue.  You'll use the WorkflowInstanceID in the following steps.

    1. I would recommend making a backup of these tables or your company database before proceeding.

    2. Delete the Workflow tables for the corrupt transactions based on the results from select script above.  

    delete WFI10002 where WorkflowInstanceID = '{GUID}'

    delete WFI10003 where WorkflowInstanceID = '{GUID}'

    delete WFI10004 where WorkflowInstanceID = '{GUID}'

    delete WF30100 where WorkflowInstanceID = '{GUID}'

    3. Update the SY00500 (Batch Master) record have a workflow status = 1 which is saved/not submitted.  

    update SY00500 set Workflow_Status = '1' where BACHNUMB = 'xxxxxxxx'

    If this workflow is not a batch workflow, then you will need to update the correct header record based on the transaction type. The column you would be looking for is always going to be named Workflow_Status.

    4. At this point the records are in a valid state that GP will recognize and you can resubmit and approve the transaction/batch.

    This will fix each one, but the problem will be finding out what is causing the interruptions.

    This comes down to finding out what these have in common. Is it always workflows started by a specific user? A specific document type or size?

    Hopefully this will at least give you somewhere to go.

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