We have a production order with multiple formula lines that all show the following error when trying to consume on a pick list:
Quantity "XX.XX" cannot be updated with inventory reference Prod. picking list journal because inventory transactions with status On order, Reserved ordered, Reserved physical or Picked are insufficient.
If I open the Formula lines and go to Inventory->Pick, there are no lines in the "Issue status" (therefore nothing to add to pick). If I look at the Item/Batch ID combination in On-hand or Inventory Transactions, I see an "On Order" line for this production order. In the Inventory Transactions screen I see an "Inventory Reference" of prod. picking list journal with LOT-11082700. Then in the Inventory section, the LOT ID is LOT-11082699.
I believe part of the is issue is someone created a pick list and added lines to the formula. Then they deleted the pick list and now these records are "orphaned".
The order itself is in Started status and we have reported some product as finished. We need to get the status to Ended and consume the material on the Formula Lines.
How can I get the material consumed? (let me know any additional info that might be helpful)