I know I am coding something wrong but I am so tired I can figure it out I am turning to mush. Can someone help? Does not like looking for var....
IF "Job WIP G/L Entry".Type = "Job WIP G/L Entry".Type::"3" then begin
IF("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." >= '19900') and ("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." < '23001') then
INVOICED += "Job WIP G/L Entry"."WIP Entry Amount";
IF ("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." >= '24000') AND ("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." =< '26000') THEN
INVOICED += "Job WIP G/L Entry"."WIP Entry Amount";
if "Job WIP G/L Entry".Type = "Job WIP G/L Entry".Type::"2" then begin
IF ("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." >= '24000') AND ("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." < '26000') THEN
INVOICED += "Job WIP G/L Entry"."WIP Entry Amount";
IF ("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." >= '30000') AND ("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." < '32001') THEN
MATERIAL += "Job WIP G/L Entry"."WIP Entry Amount";
IF ("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." >= '35000') AND ("Job WIP G/L Entry"."G/L Account No." < '36001') THEN
LABOR += "Job WIP G/L Entry"."WIP Entry Amount";
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