Hi all,
I have a 'master_folder' folder. In this folder has 8 sub-folders.
My question: How to use the X++ to copy these sub-folders from 'master_folder' to another folder?
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Hi all,
I have a 'master_folder' folder. In this folder has 8 sub-folders.
My question: How to use the X++ to copy these sub-folders from 'master_folder' to another folder?
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Thanks. It works.
Hi Anil,
WinAPI no copy folders, it has copy file.
Hi Simon,
Just try this code. it will give you the folder name with sub folders. and then use WINAPI for copying the same.
static void Johnkrish_FolderFind(Args _args)
int k; // counter for result loop
container dirs; // container for result
filePath path = @"E:\JohnkrishFolder"; // input path
container getDirectories(str _dir, boolean _inclSubDirs = true)
container dList; // container to cast array into
int i; // counter for array loop
System.Array directories; // array for result from .NET call
#Define.Pattern("*") // input pattern: * = all
// assert interoppermissions for .NET interop
new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert();
// get directories using .NET interop
// include subdirectories
directories = System.IO.Directory::GetDirectories(_dir, #Pattern, System.IO.SearchOption::AllDirectories);
// only top directory
directories = System.IO.Directory::GetDirectories(_dir, #Pattern, System.IO.SearchOption::TopDirectoryOnly);
// loog .NET array and put the values in a container for easier use in x++
for( i=0;i<ClrInterop::getAnyTypeForObject(directories.get_Length()); i++ )
dList = conins(dList, conlen(dList)+1, ClrInterop::getAnyTypeForObject(directories.GetValue(i)));
// revert assertion to prevent multiple calls to the assert() method
// return result container
return dList;
// get directories
dirs = getDirectories(path);
// use optional parameter to disable sub directories
// dirs = getDirectories(path, false);
// print the result
for(k=1;k<= conlen(dirs); k++)
// print the result to screen
info(conpeek(dirs, k));
// we're done
Please refer this link dynamicsaxhari.blogspot.in/.../copy-sub-folder-and-files-by-using-x.html
It may help you.
hello Simon,
Just check the WinAPI class in x++, you may find the relevant methods to perform this operation.
As far I know, you need to create sub-folder structure into another folder (into destination folder) and then copy the sub-folder files accordingly.
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