Hi Team,
I am getting below error while importing sales line using Sales Order line V2 entity.
Please suggest me the solution.
Results. Matching record with key 'SalesLine': 5637249576 for the data source 'SalesLine_Intrastat' does not exist
Steps I have followed.
Imported SO header.
and now want to create new line using entity import, I have set line number as auto generated and lot id kept blank.
Yes, that can be done. But I am wondering how this is working in my other environment where the version is lower than my dev.
anyways thank you so much for your guidance.
Exactly I also did similar thing. So permanent solution in such case can be make that field in entity and table as allow edit to no if possible. So that no need to delete field all the time from Excel.
I found the field IntrastatSpecialMovementCode which is part of SalesLine_Intrastat table. I removed this from my file. then it worked.
If it's not working then you can make use of mapentitytods method on entity. That will work. Anyways if allowed it is no data won't come inside.
I have set allow edit property to Yes, Let me set No i try once. But my requirement is to update that values from data entity but let me try it.
and before version upgrade it was worked for me not sure how.
Anything new I am not sure. When I got this error earlier, I used to make allowedit and allowedit on create to no both on staging and entity as I have added those fields via ds using relation and also in UI also via form DS. So made as above and issue is resolved.
Recently when I came across, I used the mapentitytodatasource method when I get this error. But I won't suggest this as it impacts performance.
You can try like once added these fields, just check how the fields from intrastat are showing. I mean how standard is using that ds fields as that ds fields only used for reading. But we cannot confirm directly that its not working from standard itself. Just try import in other vm also.
Can you tell us from which ds you have added these fields?
HI Bharani Preetham Peraka,
It is not working even i set ignore EDT relation yes to all fields and set allow Edit to yes well.
I did tried by removing all customization from entity but still the issues not resolving.
is there anything new in this SalesOrderLIneV2 entity in last 2 release ?
About properties yes both are set yes on Table level. Let me try on ignore relation on table level. I will update you the result,
Have you tried like ignoring the edt relation to yes?
And can you let us know about the properties which I asked earlier?
Also please let us know the steps you did for adding these fields?
Same result after using same exported format.
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