We are getting the following error when trying to close the GL:
System Message 6068
This process cannot begin while posting or generate recurring or another closing process is active.
Anyone know what is causing this? We've never received this error before.
Katrina Cummins
*This post is locked for comments
We never figured out what was causing the error but we tried again the next morning and it worked fine.
We never figured out what was causing this error but we tried to close the period again the next morning and it worked fine.
Katrina Cummins
Were you able to determine a fix for this? We are having the same issue
Hello Katrina,
How is this issue going? I'm assuming that the error is resolved at this point.
Best Regards,
Jana MacDonald
Hello Katrina,
Normally it means another user has the posting screen open.
You can check that by going to active users in the administration module.
It could be that posting screen also closed abruptly in a previous session and did not shut down properly.
Best Regard,
Jana MacDonald
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