RE: Why is my Kernel build version not changing after installing CU-11 Hotfix 3?
Hi Reyaz,
the version read here (info/about) is correct 2.1.11002.5, because the console isn't part of the hotfix 4 msp package. So it is not updated, the file is the one frm HF2.
This version is shown if you have installed HF2 or HF3.
not all components are updated with this HF3 patch (look at the size).
The cosole reads this information simply from the version resource, so you cannot see the installed HF here.
But take a look at the services folder of your server installtion. Here you should find 5 dll's (order by date descending) with a version of 2.1.11002.11 This is HF3.
Sorry - but there is no possiblity to check this HF version exactly from the console.
Remember: HF1/HF2 were distributed as fully version, HF3 consists only of some changes within the msp files.
Hope I could help you,