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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Why is mrp generating unnecessary unplanned orders?

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We just turned on AX 2012 R3, and mrp is now running fine with one exception.  It generates planned orders for items when we think it doesn't need to. 

Example: MRP ran last night (starts at 11pm and finished after midnight of the next day) and generated a planned order for 1,000 pcs of part A. There are three open requirements for a total of 283 pcs of Part A three days prior to the planned order date.  There is plenty of inventory to cover this.  Without this planned order, mrp says we don't hit our safety stock still seven months later.

Part A has 2,487 on hand, 1,200-pc safety stock, coverage period = 91, lead time = 7, negative and positive days = 950, coverage fence = 730, action message checked, action time fence = 999, but others are zero.

I've read the forum and have seen the discussions that mrp first creates planned orders, then tells you to cancel.  But in this case, we don't see the need.  The worst part of it is our molding department has 300 planned orders to review after mrp runs, and the majority are unnecessary.  We don't see how we can sort the truly necessary ones to run from the unnecessary without going through them all.

Is there a setting that we're missing?  Has anyone developed a customized report to sift the wheat from the chaff?  Or do we have to live with this?

Your help is appreciated.

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  • bobnovak Profile Picture
    bobnovak 5 on at
    RE: Why is mrp generating unnecessary unplanned orders?

    Magic and Colby,

    Sorry for the late reply.  We figured it out last week thanks to both your recommendations, and then I got sick over the weekend till now, and finally feel up to writing you both a thoughtful reply.  We likely still have settings that are not ideal, but it's giving us the output we were expecting (at least, with what we've encountered so far).  I want this thread to be a source of info for future users.

    When we turned on mrp, we had work orders that were back-scheduling a few months.  We researched and found that we should set capacity to zero.  Then work orders only back-scheduled the sum of the lead time in the default settings (three days).  While researching that, we came across a recommendation to set the Fulfill Minimum for purchase orders to Today+Procurement time.  The author said he didn't use it for work orders, but didn't say why.

    We changed it for purchase orders, and that solved some problems.  Then we decided to do the same for work orders.  That caused a problem that we didn't understand at first.  That caused mrp to create work orders that pegged to safety stock in the near future, and future work orders to peg to orders due this month.  We switched work orders back to Fulfill Minimum = Today, and then mrp assigned the first released work orders to the first demand, and it worked the way we expected.  Always fulfilling the customer need first, and safety stock last.

    If your business process is to always ship from safety stock, then I guess today+procurement time would work for you.  But we want to ship our orders first, even if we have to deplete safety stock to zero.

    We were also generating extra orders because our coverage period was too large.  The parts already had the correct lead time, and almost all have a safety stock and an order minimum on them, so we didn't need to order per a large period.  We set the coverage period in the coverage group to 7, and everything aligned.  We did find that this generated many small orders, but that was solved by just raising the minimum order (to essentially what the period requirement was in our old system).

    We did truncate (not delete; truncate is faster, just 1-2 seconds) the reqtrans table, but that didn't solve our problem.  The Fulfill Minimum = Today solved it.  (Our specific problem for that involved a planned work order.)

    The one thing we're still not sure about is the dynamic negative days settings.  Everything we read said turn that on, and that was on from day 1.  If we do that, do we still need negative days on the individual coverage groups?  Is dynamic negative days an override, or a supplement, to the coverage group negative days?  We turned off dynamic negative days, and set coverage group negative days to 950.  We don't see a problem (yet).  

    Most of our parts are custom, and we write POs with scheduled deliveries that sometimes go out 13-18 months.  We have had one part with a 2-year lead time.  We do want mrp to see these POs, and tell us to accelerate delivery rather than place a new PO.  Hence our coverage period and negative/positive days go out this far.  We run mrp at night, so any extra computer time is a non-issue right now.

    I want to thank both of you for your help.  It helped us in the debugging.  Given that we have 3,000 active parts, I won't be surprised if the buyers encounter a part that doesn't behave as expected, but I think we can adjust the appropriate settings at this point.

  • guk1964 Profile Picture
    guk1964 10,877 on at
    RE: Why is mrp generating unnecessary unplanned orders?

     Re-reading your initial query again, some of the coverage settings look unusual high for that specific item especially as they are beyond the coverage fence.

    For example if someone puts in a 3 year forecast or accidentally types a wrong date then mrp would consider that inventory should be allocated now to that order which could then mean it thinks additional planned orders are needed now.

    For negative days of 950 you are effectively saying that any if there is any future order, say due in next month or next year,  then you will wait if for it rather than order today for net week. You might want to look at the use of dynamic negative days as an alternative. 

    High numbers generally means mrp takes longer to run because it has to look at more periods even if only to find out that there is no data to consider. 

    Why set Action messages out for so far ahead your full coverage lead time. You won’t want messages telling you to Postpone orders by just a couple of days 3 years in the future. you might not even want to Increase existing orders at all – just raise new orders. Setting Action (And Futures) message takes time,see the master plan session log . Master planning > Setup > Plans > Session log > Statistics tab:

  • bobnovak Profile Picture
    bobnovak 5 on at
    RE: Why is mrp generating unnecessary unplanned orders?


    We checked everything you recommended, and we couldn't determine if that was the problem (but the suggestions were good).

     We're now wondering if it has to do with our master plan regen setup.  We had set up only one plan (static; our business is pretty straightforward).  This produced excess planned orders.   When I would update planning dynamically via the Net Reqmts screen, everything would look the way it should have after the original regen.  We are now reading that having only one plan is "ok," but can cause problems.  So now we're setting up a static and dynamic plan because we think the two buckets of planning data might have doubled up into one bucket of planning data, causing the extra orders.

     Have you experienced anything like this?

  • bobnovak Profile Picture
    bobnovak 5 on at
    RE: Why is mrp generating unnecessary unplanned orders?

    Thank you for your suggestions, Colby.  There are a things I haven't considered, so I will look here.  Might take me a day or three to get back to you with the results. #1 is fine, #2 has the most possibility of generating the "error." #3 should not be an issue (need to confirm), and #4 might also contain clues.

  • bobnovak Profile Picture
    bobnovak 5 on at
    RE: Why is mrp generating unnecessary unplanned orders?

    Thank you, Magic, for your suggestion.  We do have positive days (950).  The next respondent, Colby, has some other suggestions I need to investigate.

  • ColbyGallagher Profile Picture
    ColbyGallagher 3,666 on at
    RE: Why is mrp generating unnecessary unplanned orders?

    Hi bobnovak, 

    I would check the following:

    1.) Confirm your master plan includes on hand inventory. 

    2.) Confirm you dont have an Item Coverage record for this item that is over-riding the coverage group / master plan settings. 

    3.) Confirm that ReqTrans does not show a negative on hand quantity. 

    4.) Confirm that the BOM Level on released product or ReqItemLevel (if CU11 or greater) is correct for your item. 

  • Suggested answer
    guk1964 Profile Picture
    guk1964 10,877 on at
    RE: Why is mrp generating unnecessary unplanned orders?

    Check you have a value entered for positive days. If it is blank or zero then you are telling the system to reserve all inventory for today and any future demand needs a new supply

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