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Confirm email button on profile page on power portal is not redirecting once clicked, OK is shown

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Hi all,

We have a few different environments with a portal connected and noticed a difference in behaviour when the confirm email button is clicked.
I can see that the call is correct from the Confirm Email the button click and it redirects page, it takes you to the /Account/Manage/ConfirmEmailRequest page. 


Its correctly navigating to /Account/Manage/ConfirmEmailRequest


In two environments we have seen that you stay on the /profile page and just a red box (ConfirmEmailMessage span) with 'OK' or 'error' is shown. 

Here the PostConfirmEmailRequest is trying to navigate to a page that doesnt exist '/Acccount/Manage/PostConfirmEmailRequest'

The email is sent correctly.

I have noticed that a couple of environments since they are newer, have a CDSStarter portal connected and others have a StartePortal.
From the limited documentation we have regarding the differences in these portals, this shouldnt cause any differences and in fact the redirection is working on two different environments with either of those two types.

I have checked the content snippets for the profile page and the actual web page and cant see any JS apart from where I have hidden components on the profile. 

Can anyone help to understand how this redirection works. As far as I can see the Confirm Email button should call the ConfirmEmail function which takes you to the ConfirmEmailRequest page which its not doing in these newer environments.

Issue is that we don't have control over this on the profile page and so need to understand why the behaviour is different!


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