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Add entity to Agreement booking setup

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I want to add an entity to the Agreement Booking Setup for the WorkOrder Entity to be auto generated  with the workorder by the Agreement Workflow.

i created the entity and the agreement booking setup for it and created the relations exactly like Product Entity but it still doesn't appear in the auto generated workorder.

Any Idea why the entity doesn't appear there(noting that I also made the relation between the entity and the workorder)?

  • Suggested answer
    Abdul Wahab Profile Picture
    Abdul Wahab 12,077 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Add entity to Agreement booking setup

    Hi Be Elshayep,

    To auto-populate products. Do not you think you need to configure Work Order Types on the agreement booking setup?

    For more detail;



  • Haig Liu Profile Picture
    Haig Liu Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Add entity to Agreement booking setup

    Hi Be Elshayep,

    If it is a work order that has not been created, check the following two fields:


    Or could you elaborate on how to fill a work order from the product?

  • Be Elshayep Profile Picture
    Be Elshayep 84 on at
    RE: Add entity to Agreement booking setup

    Hi All,

    the Scenario is as following:

    In the workorder there's a related entity named product.

    The agreement setup of workorder has a tab for product.

    when the workflow runs to generate the workorder, it imports the data from product tab(entity) in the agreement booking setup and exports it to the autogenerated workorder.

    what I need exactly is to create an entity exactly as the product entity to be exported in the autogenerated workorder.

    In the agreement of workorder

    - By entity I mean an entity as product entity (or Workorder entity).

    - The expectation of adding the relationship is to export the data of the new-related entity to the auto-generated workorder.

    -  Relating it to the product entity is, because the product entity is related to workorder entity and Agreement booking setup entity so the data of the product in the agreement booking setup is automatically added to the generated workorder.

    - Now it's clear that the new entity is expected to be exported in the auto-generated workorder.

  • Suggested answer
    Abdul Wahab Profile Picture
    Abdul Wahab 12,077 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Add entity to Agreement booking setup

    Hi Be Elshayep,

    I love to see more details.

    What do you mean by new table/entity?

    What is your expectation after adding/creating a relationship?

    Why are you relating it to the Product table/entity?

    After the automatic creation of the Work order. What are you expecting with this newly created table?

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Add entity to Agreement booking setup

    Hi Be Elshayep,

    I love to see more details.

    What do you mean by new table/entity?

    What is your expectation after adding/creating a relationship?

    Why are you relating it to the Product table/entity?

    After the automatic creation of the Work order. What are you expecting with this newly created table?

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