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SSRS Reports not working at the time of Dynamics CRM SQL DB and Reporting Service moving to different server but webserver same

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Currently working on 1 Migration project, In that client is using one CRM Webserver(W1) and one SQL server(S1) where Reporting service is installed, now they planed to move SQLDb and Reporting service from S1 to another SQL Server(S2) but they will keep webserver(W1) as it is, in Webserver there are two Organization under Deployment Manager, Production and Sandbox, now they want to check if everything is good with Sandbox then they will do same for Production Organization.

Client using ADFS, Claimed based authentication and IFD is enable for both Sandbox as well Production.

I started the migration process and for that first step is I took the Backup of Sandbox CRM DB in S1 and restore Sandbox DB on S2 server and Import the Organization in Deployment Manager, at the time of import I pointed it out new SQLserver(S2) and same thing did for Reporting service, by doing this CRM Sandbox is working fine but Reports are not working fine, OOB and Custom both not working fine, When I tried to Test connection of FetchDatasource in Report manager then Test connection is failed it means somehow SSRS is not well connected with CRM.

At the time of install Reporting extension in S2 server it asked for MSCRM_CONFIG so I also took the backup of MSCRM_CONFIG DB form S1 and Restore it on S2.

In couple of article it was mentioned that need to restore ReportServer and ReportserverTemp DB, also need to Restore Encryption key in report manager so I follow those step also but same issue.

Tried with Edit Organization, Tried with Import Organization but somehow Reports not working fine, RsProcessing Aborthed same error coming every time.

In S2 server in MSCRM_Config DB under Organization table, it's still showing Old URL only so tried to Update connection string, SSRS URL and everything I did but no luck.

Note:- I can't change the registry key in Webserver because production is still running in that server and I want to do for Sandbox Org only.

Question:- Can someone suggest where i'm going wrong and what Microsoft recommended steps to do above things?, Can I do without restoring MSCRM_CONFIG DB?? 

Let me know, how to solve this report issue because Frontend side CRM is working fine only issue in Reports.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: SSRS Reports not working at the time of Dynamics CRM SQL DB and Reporting Service moving to different server but webserver same

    Hi Ankit,

    The recommended approach for moving Dynamics CRM databases to another SQL Server would be ::

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