We have created a custom entity “Portal Contact Token” and enabled the OData feed for the same on the portal to retrieve the data from this entity. We have enabled “Change Tracking” for this entity from the customization.
The problem we are facing is that the OData feed does not retrieves live data from the CRM. This works intermittently where it brings live data on every OData call, but this happens only for a short duration. Then it gives the same result every time, even after we have updated the records in the CRM. The data is refreshed when we clear the portal cache, however this is not a suitable solution since it gives updated data only once, and clearing cache is not a viable option.
We are expecting this OData feed to return us live data every time we hit the OData URL for the “Portal Contact Token". I also tried exposing the entity list for this entity, however the entity list also does not show the data in real time.
After looking for possible fixes and some research, I came across a documentation (please see the screen attached) and I'm slightly confused as to what is the relevance of "Change Tracking" feature and if it is possible to view real time data from the CRM in the portal?