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How can I use behavior/interactions to update contact preferences?

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I'm seeking ideas to help address the following scenario:

I am an organization using D365 marketing to communicate with a variety of contacts. While I may use the subscription center, I have a different use case. How can I update a field (whether the default contact preferences or custom) to reflect the communication channel the contact is actually using. Example: Contact A data indicate that she responds to emails and text messages. Contact B responds to email. How can I use the data from customer journeys (or even interactions outside of journeys) to update a field that indicates Contact Preferences for Contact A are email and text and for Contact B email should be identified. 

I'm looking for a path forward that doesn't involve exporting data from marketing and then bringing it back in, creating triggers/activities in every customer journey, etc. 

Thank you for your advice,


  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: How can I use behavior/interactions to update contact preferences?

    Hi Lynn,

    If you had found any answer helped, please kindly mark as verified to close the thread, it would be really appreciated.

    Please feel free to ask other question if you still have any doubt.



  • Suggested answer
    Lynn Drees Profile Picture
    Lynn Drees 160 on at
    RE: How can I use behavior/interactions to update contact preferences?

    Thank you Clofly!

  • Suggested answer
    Lynn Drees Profile Picture
    Lynn Drees 160 on at
    RE: How can I use behavior/interactions to update contact preferences?

    Thank you DD

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: How can I use behavior/interactions to update contact preferences?

    Hi Lynn,

    As Dilyana mentioned, you could enable auditing for Contact entity to track change history of Preferred Method of Contact field.

    Another option is to create a HTTP Request Trigger in Power Automate, then trigger it in each time of form submission, you could take my last answer in thread below as reference:

    How did you receive reponse text messages from customers? Would you use some communication platforms such as TeleSign or Twilio?

    If so, there are already some existing SMS connectors in Power Automate(TeleSign or Twilio), you could create a custom entity record to save interaction data once a text message is received from these platforms.



  • Suggested answer
    d_radulova Profile Picture
    d_radulova 2 User Group Leader on at
    RE: How can I use behavior/interactions to update contact preferences?

    Hi @Lynn Drees,

    I like your use case. Makes sense. What would be useful to understand is the campaigns/ customer journeys you are actually running.

    Looking at your first post where you talk about text message vs emails, one way you could achieve that is by using re-direct URL-s.

    Have a look at the documentation here .

    You could set up a different redirect URL-s for your different touch points. For example a text message could point to URL1, but an email points to URL2. They could both go to similar pages from a  custom point of view, but from a back end/ marketeer point of view, you could track the source of the click better.

    Having the analytics, you could use that as a trigger in future campaigns.  I am not sure I would suggest updating the out of the box preferred method of contact field because this is normally the preference the customer has given and it sounds a bit dubious from a GDBR and transparency point of view.  You might need to justify the audit history of that if you ever get a GDPR request for information.

    Hope that makes some sense.



  • Lynn Drees Profile Picture
    Lynn Drees 160 on at
    RE: How can I use behavior/interactions to update contact preferences?

    Hi Clofly,

    The answer I'm trying to find is how to use interaction data and not submitted form information. For instance, a contact may have set their preferences to email and text; however, they are only interacting/responding to the text messages. I'm seeking a way to track that text is the preferred contact method (based on the example I just gave). The communication channel could vary. The information they submitted on the form is important but I want to be able to know which channel they are really using and use that data to better communicate.

    Thank you for your help,


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: How can I use behavior/interactions to update contact preferences?

    Hi Lynn,

    Could you share me more details about your case?

    From your description, it seems that you would like to set preferred contact method field of contact according to contacts' submitted form data?

    If so, you could run a workflow to update contact fields when a contact record is updated.


    A sample customer journey which might meet your requirement would be below:


    In the workflow, you can get submitted data from contact context, then add multiple conditional statements to go further steps.

    Please take blog articles below as reference if you would like to send text message to your contacts in a customer journey:



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