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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

REDUNDANT shippment files created when charge items assigned

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi guys!

We have some customers to whom we assign charge items like freight and also discounts using in this last case “Type G/L” and the corresponding account in the sales orders.  The problem we have is that for those customers Navision creates two different sales shipment documents.

 The first one contains the items and the corresponding shipped quantities.

 The second one contains depending on whether the sales order has a Charge item or G/L account the following:

 1. When using "Charge (Item)" on the sales orders, the second sales shipment contains the original items (but with quantity 0) and the "Charge (Item)"-item.

 2. When using "G/L Account" on the sales orders, the second sales shipment would only contain this "G/L Account"-item.


Neither case makes sense as nothing is actually physically shipped.


So the question is how can we prevent Navision from creating these aforementioned entries?Shippping files created when items charges applied

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: REDUNDANT shippment files created when charge items assigned

    Thanks for your answer,

    The process is as follows:

    1. Create sales order

    2. Select Item as a line type in the first line and select certain item

    3. Release order and create the corresponding warehouse shipment document with its corresponding line/s.

    4. Posting the corresponding warehouse line/s as shipped

    5. Back in the sales order, we reopen it and add, for example, a charge item in the second line and assign it to the item in the first line – through “get shipment lines” in the “charge item assign” function.

    6. Post the sales orders as invoiced and shipped.

    7. It is at this point, where the second shipment is created automatically. Containing the charge item with its value and the items but those with quantity 0

  • Suggested answer
    Alexander Ermakov Profile Picture
    Alexander Ermakov 28,094 on at
    RE: REDUNDANT shippment files created when charge items assigned

    Do I understood correctly that you:

    1. Create a sales order.

    2. Select Item as line type in the first line and select certain item.

    3. Select G/L Account as line type in the second line and select certain G/L account.

    4. Post sales order (ship&invoice) and this results in two posted sales shipments with one posted sales invoice?

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