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Microsoft Dynamics GP forum

SmartList Report doesn't show on SmartList Objects

Posted on by 240

We are working with GP2016.

A SmartList Report favorite has been created by a User.  The SmartList is not a SmartList Builder report, just a regular, newly created SmartList Report with specific columns showing in it from the Sales Line Items folder, with System for the access.  The SmartList shows up in the SmartList folder and list, and the report runs without issue reporting the data.

This is the issue,...

I go to set up the Security Task and assign the Task to a Role for just a couple of specific Users who should have access to this SmartList Report(s).  Only these specific Users should be allowed to run and see the confidential data in this report.  The issue is that the report does NOT show up in the list of reports in the SmartList Objects or Custom Reports to select it for the Task.  Is there a reason why it wouldn't be listed when the others are?  Since the report isn't listed, where do I go to get this report assigned to just these few Users?  The Assign To is greyed out also Add or Remove Favorites window.  Permissions are not limited to the report, as everyone can see and run it in the system and company database.

Please advise.  Thank you in advance for your assistance!

  • Jen Kuntz Profile Picture
    Jen Kuntz 3,220 on at
    RE: SmartList Report doesn't show on SmartList Objects

    Assign To is not security related and it will be greyed out unless that particular SmartList Object was created in SmartList Designer. Assign To is for assigning a Smartlist to a Navigation List, not for security, and it would be greyed out for most things as the default objects were not created in SmartList Designer.

    On a favorite, the only way to assign permissions is via controlling who it is visible to (Visible To not Assign To). If you need security on this particular thing that falls outside of that, the best thing to do would be to create a new Smartlist Object instead, based on whatever you're using so that it can have distinct security assigned to it.

    I hope this helps.


  • RE: SmartList Report doesn't show on SmartList Objects

    The ASIEXP81 table is a system table, held in the DYNAMICS/system database for GP, not company databases.

    The SmartList Favorite always has the 'Assign To' disabled, not sure exactly why, but I see it also.

    The only way you can assign a SmartList Favorite to a User Class is to go into the User Setup window (Administration > Setup > System > User) and for the user account creating the SmartList Favorite, assign the user to a User Class in this window and save changes.

    At that point, when this user logs into GP and creates a SmartList Favorite and/or assigns it to a User Class, it'll assign it to the default User Class specified in the User Setup window for this specific user that created it.

    For example, I created a new user and assigned them to a user class named 'SMARTLIST'. I then logged into GP as this new user and created a SmartList Favorite, choosing to give access to a User Class, then created the favorite.

    When I look at this favorite in the ASIEXP81 system table, it shows 'SMARTLIST' under the USRCLASS column, as expected.

    There isn't any way to manually choose which User ID or User Class directly in the Favorites window using the Assign To option you mentioned.


  • GuruDofGP Profile Picture
    GuruDofGP 240 on at
    RE: SmartList Report doesn't show on SmartList Objects

    Yes, got it.  A SmartList Favorite will not show in the SmartList Objects.

    Maybe I need to elaborate a little more.

    As stated previously, the SmartList Report is, and was previously saved as, a SmartList Favorite.  The report permission level has been set back to the "System" for viewing it from just one User.  Everyone is able to view it currently in the SmartList now.  I had set up a User Class, for the select few that the report should be visible to, and was trying to "Assign To:" the report to that User Class.  This is not possible though, for a User Class or a specific User because the "Assign To:" stays greyed out no matter what permission level it's made visible to. i.e.System, Company, User Class, or User ID.  Since the "Assign To:" is greyed out, and won't allow me to assign the report to just this User Class

    Where can I find the SmartList Designer Approval workflow?  I don't think we're using it, and I don't see it under the SmartList Options.

    We don't have an ASIEXP81 table in the company database.

    There are no 3rd party products or customizations.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

  • RE: SmartList Report doesn't show on SmartList Objects

    That's just it, if it is a SmartList report, then you should see it in the Security Tasks Setup window when you select 'SmartList' for the Product', 'SmartList Object' for the Type, and then 'SmartList Objects' for the Series, it should show you a list of default and custom SmartList reports, as this is where you give users access to these reports. If a user doesn't have access to a SmartList report, they do not see it at all in the SmartList window.

    SmartList Favorites are different in that, when they are created, you decide the permissions level: System, Company, User ID or User Class. This is why SmartList Favorites do not show in the Security Task Setup window, because the permissions are assigned when the Favorite is created.

    As there isn't anywhere in SmartList Designer or SmartList Builder to specialize whom has access to the new reports generated, permissions are granted in the Security Task Setup window as per above.

    I don't know that I've ever seen a SmartList report not mentioned/showing in the Security Task Setup window when you choose 'SmartList' for the Product', 'SmartList Object' for the Type, and then 'SmartList Objects' for the Series, so we may need a support case so we can look at this with you.

    Other than that, rule out any third-party products or customizations........

    ........make sure you're not currently using the SmartList Designer Approval workflow and maybe the new/custom SmartList reports are still pending approval?


  • GuruDofGP Profile Picture
    GuruDofGP 240 on at
    RE: SmartList Report doesn't show on SmartList Objects

    Hi Derek,

    Thank you for responding.  The SmartList report is already a SmartList Favorite, but it doesn't show up in the list under the SmartList Objects under the Security Tasks to select for viewing by anyone or everyone.  

    The "Assign To:" when trying to assign/make the report visible to a specific User, User Class, System, or Company is greyed out, also, for all SmartLists, including this one.   None of the SmartLists can be assigned to any specific User, User Class, System, or Company.  I thought it may be a permissions issue I was missing somewhere, or there was an issue with the install of GP.  

    Please advise at your earliest convenience.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

  • RE: SmartList Report doesn't show on SmartList Objects


    I think we're running into the difference between a SmartList report, and a SmartList Favorite.

    With SmartList reports, such as if you click 'New' or 'Modify' and open SmartList Designer or even SmartList Builder, and create a new SmartList report, and save changes. These reports will be available under the Security Task(s) to give access to under SmartList > SmartList Object > SmartList Objects.

    With SmartList Favorites, which are created in the SmartList window by clicking on a SmartList report and clicking 'Favorites', in the 'Add or Remove Favorites' window that opens, you can name the SmartList Favorite there, and decide who to make it visible to, the options being:



    --User Class

    --User ID

    If set to System, everyone in all company databases will have access to it, if set to Company, only users in that company database will have access to it.

    If set to User ID, only the user that created the SmartList Favorite would have access, the same as when set to User Class, only users in that user class would have access.

    If you're not sure, you can look at the SmartList reports in the ASIEXP81 table, held in the GP system database.

    --When a SmartList Favorite is set to 'System' the CMPANYID value for that record will show a 0 (zero), at the same time, if it is set to 'Company', the CMPANYID value would be for the specific company database, as reflected in the SY01500/Company Master table.

    --When a SmartList Favorite is set to 'User', then the USERID value for the SmartList Favorite record will have the user's actual ID for Dynamics GP, as would the User Class in the USRCLASS value.

    Let us know if this isn't the case and if not, what the users are using when they create these SmartList reports.

    Thank you,

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