{% assign brand ="717690000,717690001" %}
{% assign brandfilter= brand | split: ',' %}
{% for value in brandfilter %}
{%if brandfilter.size > 1 %}
{% assign brandfiltermultiselect='<condition attribute="mrc_brandvaluemultiselect" operator="in" value="{{value }}" />' | append : " "%}
{% else %}
{% assign brandfiltermultiselect='<condition attribute="mrc_brandvaluemultiselect" operator="in" value="{{value }}" />' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
string a1 = '<condition attribute="mrc_brandvaluemultiselect" operator="in" value="{{value1 }}" />
<condition attribute="mrc_brandvaluemultiselect" operator="in" value="{{value1 }}" />'
Based on the no.of values need to keep on adding/assigning <condition atrribute="mrc_brandvaluemultiselect" operator="in" value={{}}"/> to the single variable
[No.of values = no.of <condition attribute=....../>
If I have 3 values in brandfilter then I want the three <condition attribute=....../> with the values inside
Please help me with this.
Thanks in advance!!.