Hi I have a journey that targets Contacts and and Email which has Firstname from Contact and First name from Owning user. I've made a copy of this email, changed some new text and added to a new Journey which uses a slightly different trigger but when I chose the email I now get This message targets a trigger type that doesn’t work with this journey. but the Journey targets contacts - any ideas?
This message targets a trigger type that doesn’t work with this journey.
Thanks Fiona for your reply. The audience is Contact for the trigger linked via a custom table. The strange this is we have an almost identical trigger and email using the same table and audience in a separate journey that's working (just a different field for the trigger) so I'm at loss as to why I'm seeing this message. I have also tried the email which is working and it's not accepted in my new journey (screen shots above) however the email I'm trying to use will work in the other journey.
This message targets a trigger type that doesn’t work with this journey.
Good morning,
What table is connected to the Trigger? And who is the audience set on the Trigger record? Based on the error message you are receiving, it's likely this is what is causing the issue.
If this answer was helpful, please consider marking it asverified :) Any questions please let me know, and I will try my best to answer them!
Kind regards,
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