If there is a database backup on LCS (.bak)
How can i apply it to my dev box?
Database sync is enough as code is not changed during db restore.
Hi Mohit,
After the restore finishes..shall i do a full build and sync or just building my model with sync is enough?
Yes, .bak is easy and takes less time. You can restore it directly on AxDB.
You can take backup of your AxDB before restoring .bak from LCS.
To restore .bak file, follow these steps (Make sure to stop Visual studio, DMF, Batch , Management reporter and SSRS services before importing .bak file else you will get Database in use error)
1) Right on AxDB-->Tasks-->Restore-->Database 2) Click on Device and Add .bak file 3) In Options, check mark Overwrite the existing Database option. Check mark Close existing connection to destination database. 4) Click ok to restore.
Hi Mohit,
When i clicked on the link in LCS DB backup..it was .bak so does it make a difference?
And the link says UAT so is it still the same steps
Hi, Please check this article to import Bacpac file in your Devbox.
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