we tried to use a display method on a datasource ( because we have a temporary table and we don't save the data until we close the form) in this scenario:
in a grid control, on a Id field, we open a lookup form, select a record from the other table, and then , in a string edit control bound to the datasource and having the datamethod property bound to the displaymethod created on the datasource, I want to display something similar to the name of a customer.
The problem is that when we add records in the grid, with CTRL-N, after selecting a new value for the Ident field, the displayed value is changed on every row.
If I move on another row in the grid, the corresponding value is displayed on all the rows.
Here is the code for my display method:
display str dispDebitor()
simtDebitor deb;
select nume, prenume from deb where deb.Ident == simtcotetmp.IdDebitor;
return deb.Nume;
Thanks a lot!