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PDF Cuts Off the Bottom of Each Page

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


In Microsoft Dynamics GP, upon clicking "Print", you have the option to choose a printer including Adobe PDF.

As you read this, please keep in mind that the option "File...Print" when generating a PDF is not available. So, please, no recommendation about unchecking that box that usually solves this problem.  :)

Anyway, no matter what Adobe PDF printer setting is changed, no matter whether Cute PDF Writer is tried, or this version, or that thing, or whatever.....nothing prevents the cut off of the bottom of each page of the printout. I have gone to all of the web sites on this matter and no solution has worked. It is beyond frustrating.

Ideas, please?

Thanks! Much appreciated!


  • Suggested answer
    Jagille Profile Picture
    Jagille on at
    RE: PDF Cuts Off the Bottom of Each Page

    Hi John,

    I've seen this issue occur when there's a corrupt Dynamics.dic. You could try renaming the current Dynamics.dic to something like "DynamicsOLD.dic" in the GP code folder (usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2018), then run a repair via the Control Panel > Programs and Features > GP. This will re-create the Dynamics.dic in the GP code folder. Then see if you can print without a cutoff occurring.

    If that doesn't work, you could try synchronizing the forms and reports dictionaries via GP Utilities > Synchronize Forms and Report Dictionaries, after setting the following line in the Dex.ini.


    If the issue is still occurring after running through those steps, then you can try re-creating the Reports.dic using the following KB article.

    Hope that helps!


  • Shannon Aune Profile Picture
    Shannon Aune on at
    RE: PDF Cuts Off the Bottom of Each Page

    Hi John,

    I did a quick test of printing a PO and I was not able to recreate the issue that you are seeing. I have provided a screenshot below: 


    Is this something that you can recreate in Fabrikam, if so can you provide the exact steps that you are taking to recreate this issue, so that I can see if I can recreate it on my end? 


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