When we post a retail statement where there is a return from a sale in the same trading day we get the following errors
Credit limit exceeded
Open balance: 1,092.88
Current order: 8.99
New balance: 1,101.87
Credit limit: 0.00
Credit excess: 1,101.87
The transactions on voucher RPAY000012422 do not balance as per 07/11/2020. (accounting currency: -8.99 - reporting currency: 0.00)
It looks as though in our production environment the statement posting process is creating a sales order for each transaction (sale and return), but in UAT it creates a single order with 2 lines and posts correctly. UAT is a copy of PROD and all parameters seem to be the same. Auto settlement is ticked in Retail but not in SL
Any ideas welcome. :)
We have enabled mandatory credit limit and set a £0.00 limit on the default customer of the store so the customer cannot charge to account.