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Send Emails to multiple recipients with SysEmailSystemTable by X++ AX2012

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Hi all,

I am kinda new with batch processing and emails, so I would like you guys to give me a hand with this.

I have a code that calculates the prices of production against the sales orders. If the Productions costs > Sales order then pulls a trigger by code and send Email to specifics recipients.

I have configurated the basics stuff like email parameters and templates. And my code is actually sending the emails into the waiting stack ( ) . but only sends the actual email only if I pressed the ok button in the batch job. where Do I configure it in order to send emails directly after the trigger is pulled (just at the moment the code sends the email).

also How Do I sent to multiple recipients using the SysEmailSystemTable::sendMail()

here the code


  • ergun sahin Profile Picture
    ergun sahin 8,812 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Send Emails to multiple recipients with SysEmailSystemTable by X++ AX2012

    Actually, I tried to say the same thing, but I guess I couldn't express it enough.
    "SysEmailSystemTable :: sendMail" takes "sendto" as the 3rd parameter, but the structure is built on a single receiver. All you have to do is add the following code, that I got from your example, to the structure that the system uses to send mail. (SysMailerNet if I remember correctly)

    toAddr = strSplit(toAddress,",");//you can use ;
    lenum = toAddr.getEnumerator();

    Glad you solved the problem. For situations where the Ax template cannot be dispensed with, I wanted this information to be here as a note.

  • Suggested answer
    CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: Send Emails to multiple recipients with SysEmailSystemTable by X++ AX2012

    Well I found the way.

    I wanted to use the AX framework with template and traceability but unfortunately is not accepting CSS inside the HTML.. which is what bothers mi most.

    So I use this code instead, which I found from internet. if the Email is already setup in the AX then this works for everyone:

    private void sendMail_HTML(str _msgBoxHtmlTable)
           SysMailer mailer;
        SysEmailParameters parameters = SysEmailParameters::find();
        SMTPRelayServerName relayServer;
        SMTPPortNumber portNumber;
        SMTPUserName userName;
        SMTPPassword password;
        Str subject,body, bodyBig;
        InteropPermission interopPermission;
        System.Exception e;
        List toAddr;
        ListEnumerator lenum;
        str toAddress = "recipient1@test.tst , recipient2@test.tst";
        //str filePathName = @"C:\Path\filename.xlsx";
        if (parameters.SMTPRelayServerName)
        relayServer = parameters.SMTPRelayServerName;
        relayServer = parameters.SMTPServerIPAddress;
        portNumber = parameters.SMTPPortNumber;
        userName = parameters.SMTPUserName;
        password = SysEmailParameters::password();
        subject = "Produktion: "   prodTable.ProdId;
        bodyBig =
    "                            " 
    "                            " 
    "                                " 
    "                            " 
    "                            " 
    "                                " 
    "                                " 
    "                            " 
    "                            " 
    "                                " 
    "                                " 
    "                            " 
    "                            " 
    "                                " 
    "                                " 
    "                            " 
    "                            " 
    "                                " 
    "                                " 
    "                            " 
    Invoiced:289.47 PLN
    Purchased:28.95 PLN
    Difference:260.52 PLN
    "; try { interopPermission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ComInterop); interopPermission.assert(); mailer = new SysMailer(); mailer.SMTPRelayServer(relayServer,portNumber,userName,password, parameters.NTLM); //instantiate email mailer.fromAddress("","From Name"); toAddr = strSplit(toAddress,","); lenum = toAddr.getEnumerator(); while(lenum.moveNext()) { mailer.tos().appendAddress(lenum.current()); } mailer.subject(subject); mailer.htmlBody(bodyBig); //mailer.attachments().add(filePathName); mailer.sendMail(); CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); info("Email has been sent!"); } catch (Exception::CLRError) { e = ClrInterop::getLastException(); while (e) { info(e.get_Message()); e = e.get_InnerException(); } CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); info ("Failed to Send Email "); } }

    Always end up finding the answers here

  • CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: Send Emails to multiple recipients with SysEmailSystemTable by X++ AX2012

    Hi Ergun.

    thanks for the reply. but I am afraid I am still the same...

  • ergun sahin Profile Picture
    ergun sahin 8,812 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Send Emails to multiple recipients with SysEmailSystemTable by X++ AX2012

    I haven't dealt with e-mails for a long time, but I have one or two pieces of information left in my mind.

    First, I guess we could add more than one "to" on the SysMailer (the mail structure basically uses), but not on the SysEmailSystemTable (I might be confusing with cc)

    Latter; we were adding to the messageBody in sendmail to create a dynamic html table. (I remember converting to html and adding in the loop, but it could be a different mailing class)

    Note:The information is unclear and I don't have time to confirm it right now, I shared it to give an idea.

  • CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: Send Emails to multiple recipients with SysEmailSystemTable by X++ AX2012

    I managed to configure the batch... It was not working until I closed the Ax client and opening again... now is sending every 2 minutes..

    Now I am missing about sending to multiple recipients. And If I also may ask; How to build a HTML dynamically (like a table) and send it from code.. I know that I can use Placeholders but here I need to build the table depending on the numer of rows from X++

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