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Static segment limitation?

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Dear Community,

According to the official Marketing documentation, 2020 release wave 1 of Dynamics 365 Marketing  contains "improved segment design and management" features:

Please, help me understand the following paragraph:

"Static segments are redesigned: Static segments now handle an unlimited number of total contacts (up to 10,000 at a time) and allow rule-based addition to list members..."

If a static segment can handle an unlimited number of contacts, what does "..up to 10,000 at a time" mean exactly? 



  • slx Profile Picture
    slx 386 on at
    RE: Static segment limitation?


    Do you know if there is any limitation for segment query filters ?

    How many distinct filters can be added ?

    thank you

  • Suggested answer
    ZoltanSzaboCRM Profile Picture
    ZoltanSzaboCRM 2 on at
    RE: Static segment limitation?

    Dear Elena,

    Thank you for your answer! It is clear now. 

    Best Regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: Static segment limitation?

    Hi Zoltan,

    there is no limit of the number of members in a static segment (apparently, there will be some physical limit on SQL side). The existing limit of 10 000, according the Fair Use Policy ( is the total number of segments, both static and dynamic, that an org may have.

    Looks like the sentence in the Release notes was accidentally cut.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Static segment limitation?

    Hi Zoltan,

    I searched for introduction about 2020 wave 1 release from some MS partners,

    From what they said, it seems that the maximum number of contacts to segment might be 10000, instead of the real unlimited.

    Due to there are limited articles about the feature, thus I opened an issue for it on github, let's wait for their reply.



  • ZoltanSzabo1980 Profile Picture
    ZoltanSzabo1980 20 on at
    RE: Static segment limitation?

    Hi Clofly,

    I managed to add more than 38K contacts to static marketing list with 1 query. Still not clear what 10K contacts at each time means....



  • ZoltanSzabo1980 Profile Picture
    ZoltanSzabo1980 20 on at
    RE: Static segment limitation?

    Hi Clofly,

    Thank you for Your answer. If I understand correctly, I can assign up to 10K contact within a transaction batch (e.g.: adding members with advanced find tool). Thank you, I am going to try it (importing 100K dummy contact record and adding contacts to a static marketing segment) and give a feedback.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Static segment limitation?

    Hi Zoltan,

    In my opinion, I think it might be:

    The total members of static is unlimited, but we can only add up to 10000 contacts in each time.



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