Hello everyone,
I have a very irrational problem when i import from Excel and i try to check if the import from the Excel file is the same as the LinePropertyId in ProjLineProperty., i get the message "The number of arguments provided is different from the number of arguments accepted by the method "
My code for lineproperty is:
linepr = cells.item(row,7).value().bStr();
projJournalTrans.LinePropertyId = linepr;
if (linepr!=""){
Select firstOnly ProjLineProperty where (ProjLineProperty.LinePropertyId == linepr);
if (ProjLineProperty){
error(strFmt("There are no such lines!-line:%1",row));
if ((categoryflag) &&(lineflag) &&(projidflag) &&(employeeidflag) &&(hourflag)){
categoryflag=false;lineflag=false; projidflag=false;employeeidflag=false; hourflag=false;
There are also other imports but the LineProperty one causes the problem. When LineProperty import is missing, everything works properly.
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