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You are unable to navigate directly to this menu item pricedisctable_pricepurch.

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Hello everyone,

while opening pricedisctable_pricepurch (direct menu) below error is coming.

You are unable to navigate directly to this menu item pricedisctable_pricepurch.

User role is - Purchase manager.

I added required privilege and menu items.

If I go through released products > any item > trade agreements, it's opening but when I open through directly above error is coming.

Please advice how to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,969 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: You are unable to navigate directly to this menu item pricedisctable_pricepurch.

    Hi Prasanth123,

    Business users should have the option available in the main menu; otherwise, they can navigate directly to the form using URL parameters. You can read more about this on my blog: Is a privilege the only check for granting access to forms? - Dynamicspedia

    In this scenario, the menu item is not linked to the main menu, therefore the user gets the error. Direct navigation to any form is restricted to system administrators.

  • Suggested answer
    NikolajSorensen Profile Picture
    NikolajSorensen 1,728 on at
    RE: You are unable to navigate directly to this menu item pricedisctable_pricepurch.

    Have you checked if the "Allow root navigation" property on the menu item is set to "No"?

    If it is set to "No", you can try to create a new custom menu item, where you can control the properties, but this might not be the actual root cause of why you cannot open the menu item directly.

    Keep in mind that if you navigate through the D365 interface, you have selected a specific released product, for which you are checking the trade agreements. If you open the trade agremeents url directly, there is no released product filter and D365 might expect that.

    Perhaps you can instead share the navigation path with the users, as they will be able to navigate to the form from within D365, they just can't go directly to the form through a link. 

  • Prasanth Profile Picture
    Prasanth 148 on at
    RE: You are unable to navigate directly to this menu item pricedisctable_pricepurch.

    Hi Mohit,

    Already added that privilege.

  • Suggested answer
    Mohit Rampal Profile Picture
    Mohit Rampal 12,554 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: You are unable to navigate directly to this menu item pricedisctable_pricepurch.

    Hi, Please confirm that you have added this privilege 'View purchase prices and discounts'

  • Suggested answer
    huijij Profile Picture
    huijij 19,811 on at
    RE: You are unable to navigate directly to this menu item pricedisctable_pricepurch.


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