Hi everyone,
We are trying to setup Microsoft dynamics HR and we are struggling with the email side of things. I have a sandbox environment and also a trial. I have been able to setup the trial fine and easy but the sandbox is where the issue is. I have copied the same settings in there from the trial. The error I get when the system tries to send an email is :
Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ErrorException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
at Dynamics.AX.Application.SysMailerFactory.`logDetailedSendFailure(String _mailerName, Exception _exception, Guid _correlationId) in xppSource://Source/ApplicationFoundation\AxClass_SysMailerFactory.xpp:line 231
at Dynamics.AX.Application.SysMailerFactory.logDetailedSendFailure(String _mailerName, Exception _exception, Guid _correlationId)
at Dynamics.AX.Application.SysMailerExchange.`sendMessage(MailMessage _message, Boolean _interactive, Guid _correlationId) in xppSource://Source/ApplicationFoundation\AxClass_SysMailerExchange.xpp:line 137
at Dynamics.AX.Application.SysMailerExchange.sendMessage(MailMessage _message, Boolean _interactive, Guid _correlationId)
at Dynamics.AX.Application.SysMailerExchange.`sendNonInteractive(MailMessage _message) in xppSource://Source/ApplicationFoundation\AxClass_SysMailerExchange.xpp:line 82
at Dynamics.AX.Application.SysMailerExchange.sendNonInteractive(MailMessage _message)
at Dynamics.AX.Application.SysEmailDistributor.`processEmails(Guid _emailProcessorId) in xppSource://Source/ApplicationFoundation\AxClass_SysEmailDistributor.xpp:line 187
Is there anything I need to allow from the from the power platform itself as I am at a loss on this one.
Any help is welcome.